Monday, 22 February 2016

Motley Fool: Here's why you should invest

Motley Fool: Here's why you should invest


a. To take a decision to invest it’s encouraged yourself.
b. To invest means: your mine decision, to plan your way and to control your life, well in a short or long time.
c. Three important reasons to invest:
 1. To rise your money.
 2. To avoid that your money lose value by the inflation
3. To save yourself instead to spend the hole money today.


When people take a decision to invest is because they are encouraged himself and opens up possibilities to have returns from him own money, then any investment means it’s your mine decision, to plan your way and to control your life, well in a short or long time, basically you decided to invest  for three important reasons: 1. To rise your money,  2. To avoid that your money lose value by the inflation and 3. To save yourself instead to spend the hole money today.

Personal reflection:

I think we need to administrate our life like a company, any company have him own money and simple his purpose is increase his equity, the same should happen with as, our finances require rise of otherwise, we can’t dream in a comfortable life in a future, so if we invest our money will get a value in any time.