Wednesday 18 May 2016

Maureen Watson

Maureen Watson

Heroe of the Political Struggle for Aboriginal Rigths 


1931 -    Born in Rockhampton in central Queensland on the 9th November

1936 -    Dux at school, sports person and brilliant horse-rider

1943 -    Worked beside to her father in shooting animals

1952 -    Married Harold Bayles

1970 -1982 -    Moved to Brisbane with their family of five children  

             Joined the fledgling Aboriginal rights movement

            Commenced an arts degree at the University of Queensland

            Founded member of Radio Redfern and the Aboriginal people’s Gallery

             Attended the first National Aboriginal Theatre Workshop in Sydney and a Black                      Film-makers course

1982 -    Published her first collection of stories and poems, Black Reflections 

             Produced six more poetry anthologies, one children’s book and one picture book

             Performed and taught in many venues

             Forefront of Aboriginal protests against the Commonwealth Games in Brisbane

1996  -   Awarded the Australia Council Red Ochre 

             Received the inaugural United Nations Association Global Leadership PrizE

1996 -  2009  -  Worked with Sisters Inside
           Recognized as a creative and strong Black woman  for her intense spiritual                            connection to the Land 

2009   Died


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